
TTAHD: Frida KahloDie Cut Sticker
TTAHD: Madame XDie Cut Sticker
Slay the PatriarchySticker
Repatriate Stolen Antiquities Die Cut Sticker
Michelangelo's DavidSticker

Available colors

Accessible Art History Logo 1Sticker
Fragment of a Queen's FaceDie Cut Sticker


Slay the PatriarchyOrganic Tote Bag
Michelangelo's DavidOrganic Tote Bag
Accessible Art History Logo 1Organic Tote Bag
Fragment of a Queen's FaceTote Bag


TTAHD: Judith Slaying HolofernesNotebook
TTAHD: Madame XNotebook
TTAHD: Girl with the Pearl EarringNotebook
Slay the PatriarchyNotebook
Repatriate Stolen Antiquities Notebook

Available colors

Michelangelo's DavidNotebook
Accessible Art History Logo 1Notebook

Phone Cases

Repatriate Stolen Antiquities Samsung Case

Available colors

Repatriate Stolen Antiquities iPhone Case

Available colors

Michelangelo's DavidSamsung Case

Available colors

Michelangelo's DavidiPhone Case

Available colors

Accessible Art History Logo 1Samsung Case
Accessible Art History Logo 1iPhone Case